Friday, March 9, 2012

Writers Who Inspire Me

I am a veracious reader of books, articles, and blogs. I love to soak up information. Through the broad medium of literature, I have found a great many people who inspire me. Some of them I could say I agree with and others I have nothing in common with at all. What inspires me about people I agree with is their dedication to their beliefs and their pursuit of the truth, whether in real life or inside their fiction. What inspires me about people I don't agree with is their dedication to their beliefs and their pursuit of the truth. Inspiration, for me, can come from unlikely and unsettling places. You'll notice some of these people are polar opposites. If you know me, you know my faith and my politics, so you can surmise who in the list I do and don't agree with on a personal level. Forget that for a second and try to understand why they are influential in a general sense....

Flannery O'Conner

CS Lewis

Donald Miller

Johnny Cash

Emma Goldman

Ernest Hemingway

Cormack MCarthy

David Foster Wallace

Stephen King

JRR Tolkien

Sylvia Plath

Micheal Crighton

Claudio Sanchez

Kim Neely

Mickey Spillane

Dee Brown

Ray Bradbury

Steve Earle


Herman Melville

Jonathan Franzen

Karl Marx

Joseph Conrad

John Cheever

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