Friday, December 30, 2011

The Religious Question........

What can you say about Jesus?

What can't you say? You know, I've been a Christian for a long time, and, strangely enough, I think I've only recently begun to understand who Jesus was. People like to put all these titles on Him, King of Kings, Lord of Lords. They're all deserving and, in my opinion, true. But, when it comes down to it, Father would be the best name I could use. But I don't mean that in a child like sense. I mean a Father and a grown son who start building this at first uneasy, but eventually trusting relationship. The Father has his head on straight. He knows his stuff. The son is only recently an adult and is figuring out what his purpose is.

They begin this neverending conversation on life and what it means to truly be and feel alive. The conversation doesn't end when the son screws up and runs off, attracted by worldly desire. It only deepens. He comes back, tail between legs, beaten and bruised and tired. The Father isn't angry. He's there to say, you lost sight of me for a minute, but I was watching you the whole time. The conversation continues. The plot thickens. Life, like an endless carousel, continues. The conversation has peaks, valleys. It ebbs and flows. The son occasionally thinks he has it all figured out, like the Father has taught him all He can. Then, out of nowhere, something happens and he is again humbled, realizing that his Father and him are not done talking. Even at the end of his life, with all his other relationships coming to a close, his life lived well and his dreams achieved, the conversation is still going. He's still learning what it means to live right up until the last second. He dies, his Father is still there. Then, with a smile, He concludes the conversation. That's it.

I think some people are too keen on ending that conversation. They think they've reached the nirvana of their relationship with God. But I don't think you can in mortal flesh. There is still so much darkness about us, about humanity. That's why I stopped trying to feel like I had my shit together a long time ago. I just said, I don't mind be a little clueless. In fact, part of me welcomes the idea.

I used to tell people the worst thing about growing is realizing how evil the world really is. That revelation was enough. Knowing the truth gets even worse from there, I decided to just let God show it to me in time,let me deal with the wtf moments one by one. It's working so far.

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