Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Secret To Life.......

There have been a lot of people claiming to know the secret to life, that magic process of cultivating what might one day be dubbed a life well lived. Some of them have, I think, gotten close to the heart of the matter. Others have made money off impressionable people who took their "advice". Depending on what faith you claim, the secret to life is obviously very different.

But, there is something most faiths have in common, a shared "secret" that really isn't so secret after all. In fact, its really more of an idea that gets ignored because it requires self sacrifice. And God forbid we sacrifice anything for the greater good of humanity. It truly is a fool proof method for getting what you want, assuming what you want is to be happy.

So what is it? What is this wonderful "secret"?

It starts with identifying the people around you, who they are, what they do, what they believe and how they think. Once you've figured that out, you have to figure out what it is that person most desires in the world, their ultimate goal or dream. What do they want? Is it good for them? Can you help, even in a small way?

If the answers yes, do something to help that person get what it is they want. Forget about yourself. Devote some time to helping people, learning from them as you go along, taking stock of whats important and what is not. See how they react to forward movement in their lives. Comprehend their struggles, their victories. See what you have in common, what you share.

Then take all this and apply it to yourself. Ask yourself if what you want is what you need, if its good for you. If the answer is still yes, devote yourself to the ideal. Go for broke, fight the good fight.

If its not, play video games.

(The idea is that less focus on self helps us decide what really matters after all...aka "what I want" vs "what I need". They can be the same, but often they are not.)

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