Monday, February 13, 2012

What I'd Love To Say......But Can't

Every day I type out a new blog...and every day it goes to the drafts section, or "print purgatory" as I call it. The problem is not that each post isn't worthy of your eyes and thoughts. That's not it at all. The issue is honesty hurts. And, for all of my existential flaws and personal shortcomings, I am, at the end of the day, a fairly honest guy. I try not to wear my heart on my sleeve. I attempt to dial back my aggressive tendencies as a writer. I try. I try. I try.

And that's why there are thirty unpublished, almost fully written blog posts you will never read just sitting in my computer alone. I'm kind of ashamed of that. I'm ashamed that I can't be as honest as I want to be. I'm ashamed that my opinions are so controversial, it could start a heated debate with friends and maybe even family.

But man, do I wanna unload. I've got a volley of tirades, of critical analysis just waiting to be devoured. Yet something cordial within me keeps them at arms length. Thanks to where I live (that's changing hella soon) and what the popular opinion is, I feel the need to be a little less of a soap boxer. I feel the need to respect differences a little more.

What's sad about that is, this MY blog. This is the one place where I should be able to sound off. You actually have to seek this blog out to actually read it. I mean, hell, its called "As I See It". You should know what you're getting into.

I don't know, guys. Part of me is considering letting fur fly. I am strongly considering posting all thirty articles. I really am. So, if you're afraid of the unknown. If you think you like me, be prepared to get blindsided. I am not in the business of conformity.

Alas, time will tell.

Until then,
embody love.

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